Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Apple Corps! Issue 1: “My brain is wrestling with itself!”

I really don’t want to take a lot of time writing this post, so to catch people up, check out these links out first: The Apple Corps! Issue 0 and my FebComChall.

Yesterday we had another meeting of the AC, we being LT and I. WE have been meeting regularly ever since I first posted about our meetings. I just never followed up on it.
Anyway, during my disability leave since Dec. 14, 2009, we started meeting on Fridays during the day, because I was already off and LT happened to work only until 2:00 pm Fridays. Generally, “during the day” means earlier than 7:00 pm, which is when are meetings usually seemed to start prior to my surgery. So, we’re talking between 3:00 and 4:00. I shoot for 3:00, but usually get there late(r), LT usually beats me there, adjusting for my proclivity for tardiness, yet still waiting for me because I’m Lucifer personified when it comes to “apunctuality.” Then we usually leave around 9 pm when they close the upstairs café at Wegman’s.

Well, anyway, next week will be our last Friday “day,” since I return to work the following Monday (March 8).

Bla bla bla.

So, the last couple meetings I’ve been supposedly working on this FebComChall story.
I thought I got off to a good start last meeting, which is when LT flipped through the National Geographic magazine and I slyly picked the Kahlua ad on the back cover.
(In fact, it occurs to me now, typically, THAT particular post probably should have been “The Apple Corps! Issue 1!” Ah, well.)

I thought I moved along pretty well coming up with ideas “inspired” by that ridiculous ad (ridiculous to be used for a comic book story, that is) at that meeting, and I was pretty sure I’d have my outline finished by the end of the meeting.
That didn’t happen.
I got sidetracked by trying to get some work done on this other commitment (the CD design).
But also, part of me thought I should work on some other story, specifically a fragment of something I’ve already started.
This seems to be part of my trademark modus operandi in terms of “my most common ways of not finishing something”: either 1) jump ship from one project and work on something else I’ve started before, or 2) jump ship from one project and start on something else, but completely from scratch, and work on that.
Of course, finish none of them.

Man, I SO want to do that now.

So, this is what’s going through my head today and as a game plan for this weekend.
By the end of this weekend, I commit to a storyline AND come up with an outline for my FebComChall story.
Right now, three stories are dueling in my head.
They are:
The Kahlua ad inspired story.
A unfinished story I started years ago called “Trisa”, that LT knows about because supposedly it was something I was working on before we even splintered off to be the AC (Man..! That is so pathetic…)
A brand new story that I was wrestling with the week before last week’s AC meeting where I picked the Kahlua ad. This particular story, with the cryptic working title, “El Tiara,” was an attempt to write a story for my FebComChall. If anything, I probably should have done LAST weekend what I plan to do THIS weekend: uh… that is, what I said before—commit to a storyline AND come up with an outline for my FebComChall.
The difference being, I should never have done the National Geographic thing. I should’ve just picked one of these other two stories.
But I was so whiny at the meeting, the National Geographic Story Generator Roulette suggestion was LT’s in her effort to help me out and crack the whip, and I simply went along with it.


So, I have three stories dueling in my head.
Since I damn well ain’t going to have my FebComChall actually done by the end of February (uh, which is tomorrow), I’d like to at least have my story chosen and outlined before the end of February.
That will have been some real progress. For me.

Here are the story candidates and their specific pros and cons (in order of “seniority”):

1. “Trisa”
This is a sort of post-apocalyptic tale in a microcosm setting. Basically, someone has set off this nerve gas bomb at a political rally in the city. It seems like a terrorist attack, but from within our country, not foreign forces.
The drug seems to affect people by reducing them to a feral state. Obviously, there’s some 28 DAYS LATER/modern zombie-genre/THE CRAZIES vibe to this.
I imagined a research/medical/homeland security setting where a number of different people are housed: doctors, soldiers, civilians/patients.
But there are some additional secrets behind the nerve gas and what it does, behind the motivations of the terrorist attack.
I more or less know the beginning and ending of the story, but the middle needs some developing. Because I more or less have an ending for this story, this makes “Trisa” a front running story candidate for me.

2. “El Tiara”
This story just sort of came up in my head, and actually, I should say these characters just came up, because I’m actually flailing around trying to GIVE them a story.
I came up with the barest nothing of an idea for two characters some time ago, months ago. But nothing came of it.
Then, two weeks ago, while trying to commit to something for my FebComChall, I decided to try and throw something together with these two characters. As I started working on the story and dialogue, I grew to like the characters more, but seemed less successful with any sort of story for them to operate in.
If anything, what little I have reveals my totally arbitrary, absurd philosophy of plotting and character development—just keep making stuff up and think of things I want to draw and throw that in, too. See if I can somehow be 100% arbitrary AND still have it make some sense… which sounds stupid, but to be honest, I’ve recently realized that this reveals a strong philosophic approach to Life, that I find things in the world absurd, and our challenge living here is to find meaning in these absurdities, because contrarily, I also feel that Life is NOT meaningless. Really, but—huh? That’s just the way it is, baby.
I guess that’s another way of saying that I think our view of the world is so limited, that what we think is meaningful may actually be shortsighted.
Perhaps, ultimately, I may discover that Life was never absurd, but my various attempts to define meaning with my puny experience and narrow perspective on things WAS absurd.
As a sort of example of this, when Galileo’s objective studies in astronomy led him to believe the heliocentric view that the Sun (and not the Earth) was actually the center of our “universe,” this proved to be problematic for philosophers and leaders of the Church at the time who felt that the logical conclusion of their belief systems was that everything revolved around the Earth (the geocentric view, natch!).


Anyway, the basic elements of “El Tiara” are: romance between the protagonists, Marty and Dr. Marisol Fleming; bizarre secrets; action; horror; softcore pornography; and a malevolent metallic lifeform (an unholy rip-off hybrid of TRANSFORMERS and THE CARS THAT ATE PARIS—and my inspiration for the latter flick are posters and photos since I’ve never seen the movie. Okay! I haven’t seen the two Transformer movies either, but I basically know what Transformers are!).
The problem is I have no real story. I just like the characters.

“The Savage World of Planet Venarus!”
This is actually the working title for my “Kahlua ad” story. Yeah.
Where it stands now, it has a sort of total plotline to it, and by “total,” I mean it has a (rough) beginning, middle and end. However, my stumbling block is that the setting, a pre-historic alien world, seems to beg for more explanation for my characters and settings. So, though I only want to do a regular size comic book, like, 22 pages, this threatens to go much longer than that.
It features vampire-like creatures, shapeshifting humanoids, a sort of pulpy Edgar Rice Burroughs meets Warren horror comics (Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella) meets Heavy Metal magazine.
(Meanwhile, I’m sure LT is reading this and going, “Are we still talking about the same Kahlua ad I was looking at???”)

Part of me says, go with seniority and finish “Trisa.”
Part of me likes the lunacy of what I’ve come up with for “El Tiara.”
Part of me says, stick with “The Savage World of Planet Venarus,” because it’s the most recent thing I’ve started, PLUS I started it with LT’s suggestion and she was there when I “picked” the page of the magazine she flipped, and ALSO, screw “seniority”! If this whole exercise is to FINISH something, then, I’ve already started it. Now FINISH it!
And if it turns out sucky because I’m cutting corners to get things done, the point IS to get it DONE. If I feel that strongly about its suckiness, and I can always redo certain pages for a future date.
Also, it’s not like I don’t want to do the other stories, or that by choosing one of them, I’m throwing away the other ideas. That’s not the case. I intend to finish those, too.
So stop dawdling and finish this ONE story and start by doing the freaking outline now, jerk!


I guess I picked my story.

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