Monday, November 22, 2010


Hey, as usual, I'm growling!
Today's Monday and uncharacteristically, I have it off.
I have a bunch of stuff I want to do today and besides some domestic chores, I'm trying to push ahead and make some significant progress on the FINAL NIGHT AND DAY movie prequel comic book I'm both writing (based on a short script by Adam Steigert) and drawing.
I am WAY behind on my progress on it, considering that I technically began working on it in June!

Well, typical. For me, that is.

Anyway, this month, somewhat inspired by NaNoWrimo, I'm trying to flesh out the outline for the entire book, so that there's something concrete to refer to, not just my verbal ideas.
So, an outline of all the pages and roughly laying them out as well, so that December's focus will be finishing up these pages so that they're ready for publication.
Right now, the anticipated page count is 24.
The release date on the comic is March 18 (and more specifics on that event to come), which is roughly a week before the movie's premiere, March 26, 2011.

Gotta go.

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