Friday, March 20, 2020

STELLARA ULTRANOVA (Part 3): I STILL have no freaking clue what to do with this character...

Tuesday, December 31 (New Year's Eve), 4:43 am

Man, I fell asleep on the couch tonight and woke up like 45 minutes ago.
My dinner plate was still on the TV tray/table next to me, with some uneaten squash on it. There was also the bowl with what was left of my salad.
The heater was still on and I shut that off.
I finished drying some clothes that were in the dryer, then took those out and threw in the wet pants from the washer and started drying those.
Then, I've been on the computer surfing Facebook ever since.
Compelling lifestyle, huh?

Anyway, getting back to Stellara Ultranova.

5:21 am

I just re-read my last post on this whole concept. I also did a little editing on it, because, well, I could.
One of the things I shared in that post were my three basic inspirations for working on this idea and this was the third one:

I decided to do the poster/DVD cover for Beaver Alley Studios' film, A CHRISTMAS MONSTROSITY. It's due in less than 2 weeks and I haven't done actual shit on it, yet. Hmmm, typical. Meaning, with regards to Stellara Ultranova, this whole obsession I have with her has nothing to do with impulsive artistic inspiration, etc., but in reality, it's simply me avoiding working on the CHRISTMAS MONSTROSITY poster. AHA! J'Accuse, Kimmel!

With this in mind, a fourth reason is me avoiding working on my Apple Corps Comics (ACC) story that I hoped I would finish a year ago (January 2019).

11:05 am

And I just re-read that post from January 2019 and, well... wow.
Okay, a number of things. It's just interesting to see how I consistently have NO idea of what I'm doing when I'm coming up with an idea and how it keeps changing all the time. The original post was about a story called "Joyride" I was thinking about and then I bring up my ACC story and also, I discuss several ideas and characters for my funny animal concept for a comic series, TABLE SCRAPS. I'm all over the place. And I don't think I'm developing an idea... I'm just changing my mind a lot.
Which is par for the course, and that's fine, if that's my usual brainstorming method, but, I really need to supplement these verbal idea-spews with some actual drawing, even if they're only doodles.

Saturday, January 4, 2020, 3:09 am

Dammit, I really need to go to bed. I've been mostly on the internet for the last couple hours. Although, at least tonight, I've been unusually diligent (well, for me) in looking up various topics and questions in terms of research for possible ideas/plots/concepts for further developing Stellara Ultranova. One idea I have is calling this sci-fi comic DREGS and the main characters being Stellara and her two best friends, Eltron Gammastorm and Akidra Magnestar. Yeah, I know! Aren't all of these characters' names the corniest things you're ever read??? Ah, sue me!

Friday, January 17, 10:59 am

Yes. I'm still focusing, thinking about things that I have deemed are lower priority.
From a 2020 Art Goal perspective, these should be my Top 3:

1. My ACC story.
2. Overhauling my "portfolio."
3. Finishing the A CHRISTMAS MONSTROSITY poster.

BUT, I still keep thinking about STELLARA ULTRANOVA aka DREGS.
YES YES YES. I know!

Well, I'll just say this by way of a brief update: I've now changed Stellara's friends' names to Fracas Magnestar and Akidra Gammastorm. The word "fracas" popped into my head the other day and I suddenly thought that might be a much more interesting name for Eltron than "Eltron," especially since my original name for him was Deltron, but there was already a famous Deltron in pop-culture so I altered it slightly, but then I thought the name became less interesting. Fracas is much better. Also, I switched Fracas' and Akidra's surnames because I'm thinking Akidra is more plugged into the emotion of anger, so this seemed a much more appropriate fit.

Friday, February 7, 3:51 pm

Yesterday, I think... (oh, who cares!) I started thinking about using the idea of the captivity narrative as basis for a possible template for plotting out a bunch of stories and timelines for my DREGS idea. My wife is the one who has a PhD, specifically researching the history of one woman, Susannah Johnson, who wrote her own account of her and her family being captured by the Abenaki Indians in August 1754 during the French and Indian War. My wife published a version of that narrative annotated with hundreds of historical footnotes. Anyway, before I met my wife, I didn't even realize there existed a literary genre called a captivity narrative, and Susannah Willard Johnson is a particularly fascinating subject in terms of the woman herself and also the many ways her family intersect the history of the time.
So, it occurred to me that perhaps a conscious effort to transplant the captivity narrative idea might be cool to my DREGS idea, except with a sci-fi leaning. Maybe.

Friday, March 20, 1:13 pm

Or maybe not, re: the captivity narrative angle. Ah, who knows! Certainly not me.
Anyway, an UPDATE 42 days after my last entry above.
So, the biggest thing that's happening to me is the World News: we're in the middle of a Covid-19 virus (aka Coronavirus aka Wuhan Virus) pandemic! Amy's been home from school since this past Tuesday (March 17, St. Patrick's Day). She's been preparing this week to teach on the internet next week. Schools are closed, the St. Patrick's Day parades locally and nationally were cancelled, and as of half an hour ago, NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo declared that 100% of businesses should be closed except for essential businesses. Yesterday, Cuomo declared 75% closed.
Yes, so this is a big change of narrative in terms of this individual post. However, being the single-minded artist I am (...Really? That's a bit much, dude...), the current state of self- and government-imposed "social isolation" is painting a perception of secluded isolation, namely, the perfect environment for CREATING ART. YES! And also doing household chores... dammit.
So, I'm specifically starting a series of posts intended to document my efforts to be more productive creatively during these unique and uncertain times, and my ideas, etc. for STELLARA ULTRANOVA won't be left out, by god! The first post is under the title "PORTRAIT OF A WANNA-BE ARTIST DURING COVID-19."

I have two specific Stellara ideas I'd like to do during this period. One is a pin-up, the other is a short, sort of quasi-stream-of-consciousness story that touches on various ideas I have for the concept that I'm just going to distill down into this one story, almost like a trailer or illustrated concept pitch for a series, for lack of a better description.
If I finish the pin-up or the first page of the story, I'll add it here as a graphic.

Having said that, I'm going to wrap this up and move on.
To be continued...

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